
Billionaire, Femi Otedola Takes Over Actor, Sadiq Daba’s Medical Bills

Sadiq Daba

Following prostate cancer relapse by one of Nollywood’s super stars, Sadiq Daba, a business mogul, Femi Otedola has stated that he would foot the medical bill of the actor, ThisDay reports.

He said Daba’s health condition was brought to his notice through an online news story, and that he would be part of his journey.

In a statement made available to THISDAY yesterday, he said: “I was saddened to hear that he had taken ill again after overcoming his challenges from prostate cancer just two years ago.

“From the news report, I gathered that he was rushed to the emergency unit of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) after being diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

“I must say that even though I don’t know Daba personally, he is a face I am familiar with through the old television drama production – Cock Crow at Dawn – which I used to watch while growing up.”

He said he was moved by a sense of nostalgia and concern when he read of his medical situation recently and decided to take over his medical bills.

He said: “In other climes, the likes of Daba and other such actors who more or less paved the way for the entertainment industry and the Nollywood industry in Nigeria, which is touted as the 3rd largest movie industry in the world, would be celebrated as icons and due recognition would be accorded to them.

“For me, taking care of Sadiq’s medical expenses is my little way of showing appreciation and gratitude for the good memories he created for me and others in the past,” he said.


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