
Dazzling White All White


The beauty I saw two hours ago dazzling in all white. Her curves held just appropriate spots of her clothing. Her legs ferried softly on the interlocks. Her eye lashes were strengthened with some dark stuffs — eye pencil. The red lippy on her lips was carefully arraigned. She came fully made. I couldn’t forgive myself for letting her go without making a pass.


I had always run in the delusion that adorning in all white, especially gowns is unfashion.  I have held they are meant for weddings alone, or for the first day of one’s initiation into a sacrament as it is the custom of some orthodox churches, or for widows to mourn her husband as obtainable in some localities in the present day Igbo land. But here is a queen slaying in all white all white and making a fashion statement.


Your outfit is a form of self-expression. It says something to those around you whether you intend it or not. So it is best to approach dressing with some form of deliberation. Your place of visit should be taken into consideration. If it is a place that would easily attracts dirt then all white may not be a good option to adorn in. Also, your means of transportation matters. In un-tarred dusty or muddy means taking a bike on all white is definitely a no no. A cab is okay if its seats are neat. In all just ensure that everything is well planned to make your all white is spotless for the day.


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