
Underage voting: ‘We will share outcome of investigation with Nigerians’- INEC


The Independent National Electoral Commission INEC says it would make public the outcome of the investigation into the alleged under age voting by some Nigerians during the local government election which held recently in Kano state.


Receiving the report from the chairman of the eight member committee led by  Engineer Abubakar Nahuche over the weekend, INEC chairman Professor Mahmoud Yakubu said the credibility of the voter register is very important to the commission and the outcome of the investigation, in the interest of transparency, would be shared with the general public.


Speaking earlier, INEC Director of Publicity and Voter Education, Mr. Oluwole Osaze-Uzzi had quoted Engineer Nahuche saying the committee, in the course of consultation and interactive sessions, received pictures, video clips, reports, documents and presentations from the stakeholders.


“The interactive sessions included Civil Society Organisations, political parties, print and electronic media organisations, as well as security agencies.


“It immediately embarked on thorough review and analysis of these materials in order to ascertain the actual connection with KASIEC LGA elections.


“The committee also examined the social media reports of pictures and video clips that triggered the report of the alleged participation of underage persons in the KASIEC LGA elections as a key area of focus for the investigation,’’ he said.



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