
13yr Old Girl Gives Birth To Triplets After Being Raped By Sweet Seller


A 13-year-old girl in Guatemala has given birth to triplets after being raped by a man who was selling sweets in the street. Francisca Lopez Perez, from the town of Momostenango, did not even realize she was pregnant until her stomach began to swell. The triplets each weighed only about 2.2 lbs (1 kg) and the two oldest were rushed to the emergency ward of a local hospital where they later died, Mailonline reports. Miss Lopez Perez said she had become pregnant after she had been raped by a ‘candy seller’ who she was not able to identify.

She has to constantly take the baby boy to hospital as he is so small that he regularly needs oxygen. The case of Lopez Perez was highlighted by the Observatory on Sexual and Reproductive Health of Guatemala

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