
BOMBSHELL: CPS To Gov Seyi Makinde


The Chief Press Secretary to the Oyo state governor, Mr. Taiwo Adisa, has shaded the main opposition party in the state, the All Progressives Congress (APC) by advising the opposition to function as opposition with facts and figures as against making frivolous claims just to seek political relevance and attention.

The spokesman to governor Seyi Makinde made this assertion while responding to questions on a live radio program in Ibadan on Sunday which was closely monitored by Sunrise Bulletin.

Mr. Adisa stated that the present administration did not just start recording such monumental success as attested to by the general public by accident adding that the success is a reflection of a well thought out master plan carved out into a blueprint for the state.

He added that governor Makinde before becoming the governor has devoted major parts of his life and resources to philanthropy and service to humanity which was why it was lot easier for the governor to kick start his administration on a flying mode.

The veteran journalist cum spokesman to the Oyo state governor described opposition in Oyo state as merely noise making lacking in constructive criticism and better alternative ideas noting that opposition should be done with every sense of responsibility to the people of the state through facts and figures and a better alternative rather than mere castigation of government efforts towards improved and quality life for its citizenry.

Mr. Adisa however alluded to the fact that the present administration as clearly demonstrated by the executive governor, is always open to advice and new ideas which was why governor Makinde is running an all inclusive government regardless of political affiliations.

He added further that governor Makinde can be described as the “Mr. talk and do” because his words are his bond which is why the governor is practically reeling out all the promises he made to the people during his electioneering campaign.

He charged the people of the state to continue to support the present administration in its giant strides towards economic prosperity for all and assured that by the time governor Makinde would be completing his first term of office in 2023, the good people of Oyo State would have been transformed to a point that even the so called opposition would endorse the governor for another term.

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