
Nigeria seems messed up; Timi Frank reacts to $800 Million oil fraud in NDDC


A former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Timi Frank, has reacted to the latest alleged $800 million oil fraud in the Niger Delta saying it was a huge blow to the face of President Muhammadu Buhari’s anti corruption drive.

Mr Frank while lamenting that such a huge amount of money gotten from the oil rich Niger Delta was allegedly stolen while the region lacks good social amenities, points to the fact that the president might not be aloof as regards corrupt practices as earlier perceived by Nigerians.

In a public broadcast on Twitter yesterday, Mr Frank said all those who are part of the $800million fraud must be brought to book and the case mustn’t be swept under the carpet. He also called on the 9th Assembly to initiate a probe into the allegations.

“Gen Muhammadu Buhari should resign as Petroleum Minister and President of this country. Under his watch as he has failed, Nigeria cannot breath anymore. I call on the oil producing community and Niger Delta Region at large to protest this current looting.

“This is exactly what the musical Prophet Fela called ‘Authority stealing pass armed robbery’. We are disappointed that corruption has eaten deep into Nigeria. The fight against corruption and insecurity was just one of those campaign gimmicks General Buhari used in deceiving Nigerians.

“This administration has dented Nigeria’s image internationally. They are the worst in terms of looting. Once you loot public funds you will be celebrated under Gen Buhari’s watch. Despite all of this, even Magu will go scoot free, just like others. They’re practically the role model of Yahoo boys.”, Timi Frank stated.

He regretted that the country’s security, educational and healthcare system have failed, and poverty, hunger, unemployment are now friends to the system.

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