
Nigerian presidential candidate said his wealth came from running taxi service, not ‘selling cars’


Nigerian opposition presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar told a local broadcaster in July that he amassed his wealth by running a private transportation business while employed as a public servant. Days ago, his rival Bola Tinubu claimed Abubakar told his interviewers he made his wealth from selling cars. This is partly incorrect; Abubakar admitted to owning a fleet of taxis during his time as a state employee, not selling cars. However, Tinubu’s main point that Abubakar flouted regulations is correct.

“Ask him to go and read his civil service regulations. They asked him question, ‘How did you make money?’ He said from selling cars (sic),” Tinubu said about Abubakar during a public meeting with the Arewa Joint Committee in Kaduna state, northwest Nigeria on October 17, 2022.

The event was broadcast by Channels TV and uploaded to YouTube.

A screenshot showing Bola Tinubu speaking at the meeting with Arewa Joint Committee, taken on October 19, 2022

The  Arawa joint committe is a coalition of six forums and organisations from northern Nigeria. Members have held a series of meetings with candidates to determine their “commitments to matters that are central to the interests of the North”.

“Conflict of interest”

In an interview in May, Abubakar admitted making money privately while employed by the state. But he denied doing anything wrong.

Tinubu, however, told the AJC gathering that Nigerian civil service rules did not allow a public servant to be “involved in other trade and businesses” and called on Abubakar to withdraw from the presidential race.

Tinubu and Abubakar are among 18 candidates hoping to sway voters who go to the polls in February 2023.

The two men were once allies, being former members of the now-defunct Social Democratic Party and later the Action Congress. They also joined the All Progressives Congress when it formed in 2013, with Abubakar defecting to what is now the opposition Peoples Democratic Party.

Tinubu’s claim about exactly how Abubakar said he had earned money, though, is misleading.

Credit : yahoonews

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