
Go back to the drawing board, rediscover yourself… Okorocha’s wife tasks women


Nneoma Okorocha is the wife of the former governor of Imo State. During which she was the First Lady of the state for eight years.
Recently, Lagos web team caught up with her at the weekend in Festac, Lagos at the official opening of Pastor Ruth Iwueze Beauty Spa, Ethical PP. 
In this interview this delectable woman, Nneoma Okorocha, talks about her upcoming summit organised for women to rediscover themselves, the need for women to take their health and wellness seriously, how women can overcome cultural inhibitions and other issues.

How has life been after office as the First Lady of Imo state? I will say am on holiday, and it’s quite refreshing, I know that a lot of people see me, they will just pass by and they won’t know am the only one for them to say, what do you do? you are looking younger. I can tell you that life after the office is like someone who is on holiday because having been the First Lady of Imo state for eight years, it was work, work, work, work because there is a need for you to deliver the mandate. why God has given you that opportunity to occupy that position in the first place.

So, it’s been amazing. I know that there is still work to be done but for now, I think am resting and still able to do what I am doing under my NGO. Kindly tell us what your NGO has been up to.I am happy that you are asking me about my take on the woman. As a matter of fact, to the glory of God, we will be having a two-day women’s conference precisely on the 22nd and 23rd of May 2023. My NGO 

Women of Divine Destiny Initiative (WODDI)  is putting it together under WODI Inspiring Women’s Summit and the THEME is inspired to be the complete woman.

Do you think the average Nigerian woman has been able to take her place? So when you talk about the woman, I  believe that looking at where we are as Nigerians, or as a nation, as a people there is a need for the woman to go back to the drawing board because I believe that if the woman gets it right, the family, the community and the nation would have gotten it right. But there is so much that is distracting the woman and most importantly, the woman has forgotten who she is and the fact that she is endowed with so much more than she can do.

So, that conference is set to make the woman rediscover who she is because oftentimes you hear violence against women why are all those things, because the woman does not understand who she is? If you know who you are, there won’t be anything like violence against the woman. So that conference is set for the woman to rediscover herself. And telling you the truth, the only way for Nigeria can be better is if the woman takes her place.

And also, I always will add that when I talk about a woman taking her place, it does not necessarily mean that a woman has to be the president, governor or chairman for something to happen, but a woman that understands who she is and she positions herself very well will continue to get it right

There are cultural biases in most Igbo-speaking tribes, for instance, there are laws that prevent women from participating in certain cultural or traditional rites, women are not allowed to inherit landed properties and there are some cultural inhibitions.Let me tell you, I wrote a book called “THE PASSWORD”. A woman that knows what she carries does not need to struggle to get what she is entitled, to or what she needs to get, it’s just for you to know how to go about certain things, of course having studied your environment and the person you are dealing with, so nothing can limit the woman, except the woman does not understand the password with which she would be able to operate either with the husband, her in-laws and her community.

Do you think financial limitations are one of the reasons why the average Nigerian woman doesn’t take care of their health the way they ought to when compared to women from other parts of the world?You don’t need finance to take care of yourself. First things first, at times you don’t even know that you need to take care of yourself, taking care of yourself could just be taking out time to rest, taking out time to meditate, taking out time to relax and taking out time to exercise, that’s why am also so excited that ETHICAL Beauty is part of what they have put in place to make sure that there is a gym which I believe every other person can afford.If you cannot afford a massage, you can afford to do aerobics, if you cannot afford facial treatment, you can afford to just come and exercise.

The women of this country truly, especially when you look at the kind of responsibility that is on our shoulders we are not doing as much as we should be doing in terms of taking care of ourselves because the only way we can do better and play that role of motherhood or even a role of a wife, you need to first of all take care of yourself so that you can function better. But I know we are getting there, so with places like ETHICAL PP, you know, coming out, and the Nigeria woman will be good to receive the lead to make out time to take care of her.If you make N100, just take probably five(5) per cent out of that total and take care of yourself that’s the only way you can also look nice.

What’s your view about woman’s beauty, we can see that years back, when we didn’t have spas, wellness clinics, gyms, our women lived healthy and longer. Ironically with all these advances, the reverse is the case. What do you think is responsible for this trend?A woman’s beauty first of all has to start with the inside, you understand, the peace was within and that’s why I’m also very very excited about ETHICAL PP, do you know why? it’s because they are bringing the earthly and inner beauty together. As the Pastor that she is, so she is combining all her ethics to have a holistic beauty that we are talking about, so the woman’s beauty starts from the inside, you can not be a beauty without being beautiful on the inside.

So when you try to compare the woman of some years back and the woman now, you will notice that the woman of some years back is a woman, doesn’t allow herself to get so worried. The woman of before is so contended with the few, but now, unfortunately, most women these days just want more.

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