
Anthony Joshua secures 5th round knockout win against Wallin


Sweet victory to hard-punching British Nigerian boxer Anthony Joshua as he reign supreme over his swedish opponent Otto Wallin via technical knockout in the 5th round.


It is now three straight wins for Joshua since his back-to-back defeats to Oleksandr Usyk.


Joshua came out positively from the opening bell, putting immediate pressure on Wallin and making use of his right hand.

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Through a few rounds, Joshua had bloodied the nose of Wallin, but he was not putting any combinations together, instead opting to pot-shot his opponent.


But, in round five this all changed, as Joshua landed a thunderous right hand-left hook combination that sent Wallin stumbling back against the ropes.


Joshua followed up with a brutal barrage of punches, but the swede survived and made it back to his corner at the end of the round.

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But, this is as far as the fight would go as Wallin’s corner could tell their fighter was hurt and that he was out of his depth against Joshua.


They eventually pulled him out of the contest, handing the knockout win to the London 2012 Olympic gold medalist.


As for what’s next for Joshua, he is highly ranked with the IBF and so could wait for the title to be vacated and fight Filip Hrgovic in an attempt to become a three-time heavyweight world champion.

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