
Healing with 10 Superfoods was inspired by my Experience—–Romoke Olisa Adeyemi


Romoke Olisa Adeyemi is a seasoned Business and Wellness Coach with over 13 years of experience in Network Marketing, she has empowered individuals to unlock their potential and achieve their goals confidently.


As a graduate of Economics at the University of Ibadan and a master’s degree in Financial Economics, Romoke started her career as a marketer at Skye Bank before she started her event planning and baking business.


She offers clarity coaching and offers holistic supplements that support optimal health and wellness which helps people live their most fulfilling lives.


Romoke has been a wellness coach for over 8 years helping more than 80 people live their best lives.


From public presentations to event organizing, her expertise has earned her multiple awards along her journey in network marketing.


She writes well-researched articles on health and copy for blogs, websites, and social media handles to help them gain more visibility, and increase traffic, and conversion rates.


She is also an expert- professional Creative writer, Ghostwriter and Author. She offers 1-1 coaching on healthy food plans. You can go on a ride to use foods to achieve good health with her.


In this interview with, she talks about her recently launched book ‘Healing with 10 Superfoods’, and why Nigerians need to pay attention to their diet and other sundry issues.


What is your new book about and why did you decide to author a book on food?


My book “Healing with 10 Superfoods, A Simple Guide to Get the Most out of Life with Foods and Fruits” was driven by experience, I delved deeper into research. Shifted my focus to explore the power of natural remedies.
I sought good fruit, herbs, and spices.

These foods can give me the chance to do the one thing that fuels my joy: be the mother to my kids and the community at large.


In my book, there are superfoods to choose from with simple guides, and recipes so you can easily find ones that you enjoy and that fit into your lifestyle.


My purpose for writing this isn’t just to make sales; it’s sharing a solution that transformed my life with people to benefit.


Is there something you noticed about the Nigerian lifestyle that led you to this path?


Yes, we Nigerians hardly pay attention to our diet. And what we lack is knowledge of good nutrition and food plans.



What impact do you think this book will have in the lives of readers?


Healing with 10 Superfoods is a complete guide revealing which superfoods you need, when to take them, and how to make them – with zero risk and minimal cost.


Readers will finally be free of the endless cycle of prescriptions — switching from one medicine to a new combination.


As women, they will naturally glow and will radiate without needing any artificial cover-up. “Yes, they’ll stop falling to the mercy of makeup to look your best.”


More severely, the fears of losing control over their health and well-being will disappear.


What are the major challenges you faced while writing this book?


The only challenge I had was that I didn’t want to put an end to it, I poured my heart on it without holding back any single detail.


What makes this book unique and different from other healthy living books in the market?


The book explains in detail the superfoods our body needs, when is it effective to take these foods, and how you prepare them to guarantee results, these are what make Healing with 10 Superfoods stand out.


It’s not fun telling you what you need to do and failing at empowering you to do it! Inside this book is a step-by-step roadmap to vibrant health like a breeze.



When it comes to a healthy lifestyle nature seems to have the answer to almost everything, do you think we are utilizing nature’s gift optimally?



No, we are not utilizing nature’s gift optimally. This is the reason we need to create more awareness so that people can use nature’s gift of natural foods and fruits to our advantage.


I believe my book is an eye-opener for people to take advantage of nature’s gift seriously.


HBP, diabetes, and high cholesterol seem to be on the rise, as a healthy lifestyle coach what are the important lifestyle changes would you advise individuals to make?



It’s true, that HPB (high blood pressure), diabetes, and high cholesterol are unfortunately becoming increasingly common. While genetics can play a role, lifestyle changes are key in preventing and managing these conditions.


These important actions can help individuals stay healthy:

1. Diet:


I. Embrace a balanced diet: Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, while limiting processed foods, saturated and trans fats, added sugar, and excessive salt.


Additionally, opt for healthy fats like those found in avocado, nuts, and olive oil. Read food labels and choose products lower in sodium and added sugars.


ii. Portion control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating, even healthy foods.


iii. Exercise: Get moving!: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week.


Find activities you enjoy: Walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, team sports – choose activities you find fun and can stick with long-term.


iv. Start small and gradually increase intensity and duration over time.


v. Maintain a healthy weight:


vi. Focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and exercise routines, rather than drastic crash diets or intense workouts you can’t maintain.


vii. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature.


viii. Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being.


What kind of legislative reform do you think will encourage Nigerians to embrace natural foods?


To encourage Nigerians to embrace natural foods, based on available data and current trends, these reforms can help:


Promoting availability and affordability. Subsidies for natural food producers. Supporting small-scale farmers who produce natural foods by investing in infrastructure, training, and access to markets. Mandatory nutrition education in schools to create lasting healthy habits. Public awareness campaigns. Supporting community gardens and urban farming initiatives to increase access to fresh produce in underserved communities. Implementing stricter regulations on sugar, salt, and artificial ingredients in processed foods can nudge consumers towards healthier choices. Clear labelling and transparency can empower consumers to make informed choices. Workplace wellness programs. Supporting farmers’ markets and local food initiatives to connect consumers directly with producers and promote fresh, seasonal produce.

Recently the Nigerian President made it compulsory to recite the national pledge at events do you think this will make citizens more patriotic?


In my opinion, true patriotism might be better reflected through concrete actions that benefit the nation, rather than symbolic gestures.


Addressing underlying issues like poverty, corruption, and inequality might be more effective in fostering national pride and unity than symbolic gestures

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