
The people’s pain points (Lagos) – ipledge2nigeria TV


2018 is a crucial year in the political landscape of Nigeria.

President Mohammed Buhari was voted in for his change mantra in 2015, but has this change really had an impact to the man on the street?

ipledge2nigeria webteam in this video paid a visit to the people in parts of Lagos to get direct feedback on how they’ve felt the impact of this change, and any messages they have for those at the helm of affairs.

It is important we hold all our leaders accountable for their actions or inactions to ensure they learn their lessons and improve rather than do nothing.

In this video (Part 1), a gentleman refuses to recite the National Pledge as he believes those in power can’t do so, and don’t give a damn.

Another patriotic lady who recites the pledge laments on the situation in the country.

How many years now have we suffered this kind of fuel crisis?


In the last week, the former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo wrote a damning letter to President Buhari advising him to desist from going on a second term due to his health and failure to deliver on his campaign promises.

This has kept the tongues wagging across the nation.

It is high time we as responsible citizens remove religious and ethnic sentiments and think of ourselves as one family.

We need to start asking the right questions, ensure we see improvement, blocking out the “My brother” syndrome.

The power of democracy lies with the people.


Generally, it can be seen that Nigerians are quite patriotic although some struggle to fully recite the pledge albeit quite passionate about the nation.


Everyone has to come together to make their impact


God owns both Muslims and Christians, we need to love each other,we need team work.


We should be working on problem solving   What is the solution?



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